Empower your Data Team with the Right Plan

Free Tier

For small teams
Sign Up for Free
  • 5 Users

  • 500 Data Assets

  • Unlimited Data Source Connectors

  • Data Discovery

  • Data Lineage

  • Data Observability

  • Data Quality

  • Data Collaboration

  • Data Governance

  • Data Insight


Multi-tenant SaaS


For small businesses
$15,000 billed annually
$1,500 billed monthly
  • 25 Users

  • 2,500 Data Assets

  • All Free Tier features

  • Single Sign-On (SSO)


Single-tenant SaaS


For medium businesses
Contact Sales
  • 50 Users

  • 10,000 Data Assets

  • All Starter features

  • Automated PII Classification



Single-tenant SaaS, Hybrid SaaS


For large businesses
Contact Sales
  • 250 Users

  • 50,000 Data Assets

  • All Premium features

  • Custom Integrations


Single-tenant SaaS, Hybrid SaaS, Private BYOC (Bring Your Own Cloud)

Compare Plans

Pricing plan comparison

Free Tier




Users & Admins


Data Assets


Number of Data Connectors


Additional Users

-$200/User/Year (bundle of 5 users)$200/User/Year (bundle of 10 users)$100/User/Year (bundle of 25 users)

Additional Data Assets

-$500/Year (bundle of 500 Data Assets)$1000/Year (bundle of 1000 Data Assets)$500/Year (bundle of 1000 Data Assets)

Custom Integrations


Data Refresh Frequency

WeeklyDaily8 HoursHourly

Custom Domain


API Access



Data Asset Catalog

Asset Search & Faceting

Sample and Schema Previews

Query and Join Relationships

Data Asset Versioning

Last 3 VersionsLast 5 VersionsLast 10 VersionsUnlimited


Column & Table Lineage


Lineage Search & Faceting

Automated Lineage Mapping

PII and Tiering Inheritance


Lineage APIs


Lineage Update Frequency



Table & Column Test Cases

Limited to 10Limited to 100UnlimitedUnlimited

Test Frequency

WeeklyDaily8 HoursHourly

No Code & SQL Tests

Data Quality Integrations (Great Expectations & dbt)


Test Suites


Test Case Reporting


Table & Column Data Profiler


Anomaly Detection



Alerts and Notifications

Limited to 5Limited to 10UnlimitedUnlimited

Incident Management


Third-Party Integrations (Email, Slack, MS Team, Webhook)

Email, Slack, MS TeamAllAllAll

Pipeline Monitoring

Root Cause Analysis


Announcements & Tasks

Slack/Teams Integration

Team Conversations

Conversation History

Unlimited3 months6 monthsUnlimited

Knowledge Center



Data Dictionary

Business Glossary

Classification Tags

Automated PII Classification


Metadata Automations



RBAC Management

Teams & Orgs

Persona Controls

Service & App Control

Single Sign On (Azure ,Okta, Auth0, AWS, Google, OneLogin, KeyCloak)


Basic Authentication


Data Asset Insights


App Analytics

Coverage KPIs

Data Health Reports


Data Governance Reports


Cost Optimizer


Custom Dashboards



Support Options

EmailEmail & Chat 8x5 SLAEmail & Chat & Zendesk 24x7 SLAEmail & Chat & Zendesk 24x7 SLA

Deployment Options



Hybrid SaaS


Private Cloud SaaS


AWS VPN (add-on option)

--Contact SalesContact Sales

Development Cluster (add-on option)

--Contact SalesContact Sales

Collate Support Plans

  1. Support plan services scale with product plans. Contact Sales for more information.
  2. Enterprise Support with up to Global 24x7 coverage is available.

Customer Success Services

Customers can purchase additional Customer Success Service hours. Contact Sales for more information.


  • Design metadata classification and glossary to meet organizational needs
  • Establish clear governance policies to ensure security and governance needs are met
  • Train the users to become familiar with the platform and get the maximum benefit out of it
  • Work with Collate domain experts to improve data culture

Collate Saas FAQs

What is the difference between SaaS and Private Cloud SaaS?

In the case of SaaS, all the infrastructure required for the service is provided by Collate. All the required services, such as metadata platform, UI, ingestion, and automation workflows, run on the Collate cloud. The customer provides access to the metadata sources such as Database, Pipeline Services, and Dashboard Services to Collate for collecting the metadata and organizing them. Note that all the metadata is encrypted both on the wire and at rest, and Collate has no access to it.

In the case of the Bring Your Own Cloud, customers don't need to provide external access to the data services to the Collate cloud. Customers provide access to their cloud VPC to Collate in order to run all of Collate’s OpenMetadata services in Customer’s Cloud. The Bring Your Own Cloud offering is available for AWS, GCP, and Azure for additional pricing. Contact us for more details.

My number of data assets or users exceeds the current plan that I am interested in. Do I need to move to a higher plan?

You can stay in the current plan of your choice and buy additional users and data assets based on your needs. Each plan has information about additional costs to add more users and data assets.

What counts towards the number of data assets?

The count of data assets includes Tables, Dashboards, Containers, Pipelines, ML Models, Topics, and Reports. The Charts, Glossaries, Tags, Test Cases, Test Suites, Queries, Conversation Threads, Tasks, Policies, Teams, and Services don't count toward the number of data assets.

The users of the system count toward the user limit mentioned in each plan.

What is the benefit of Collate SaaS over deploying OpenSource OpenMetadata on my own?

There are several benefits:

  1. Collate SaaS is a fully managed service that covers all the infrastructure costs needed for running the service smoothly.
  2. Collate handles installation, updates, upgrades, backups, encryption, high-availability, and other operational needs. There is no need to invest your engineering resources to operationalize OpenMetadata saving you both time and money.
  3. Collate SaaS has additional features on top of OpenMetadata. For more details, check out the Collate roadmap.
  4. Priority support and SLAs for Customers from the Subject Matter Experts to get the best out of Collate SaaS.
  5. Customer involvement in planning and prioritizing the product roadmap.

Do you support Private Link?

Yes. We support Private Link for connecting from the Collate cloud to your data services for collecting metadata.

Is my Collate SaaS private, or do you use multiple tenants on the same service?

Collate takes security very seriously. The cloud SaaS instances are not shared by multiple customers. Every customer gets a separate Collate SaaS instance. An instance will only store a single customer's data. All the communication is over TLSv1.3 to ensure transport security. The data stored is encrypted at rest. Additionally, Collate has SOC 2 Type 2 certification to ensure security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy.

What is the user activity requirement for Collate Free Tier?

In order to make the service available to as many users as possible, inactive clusters are reclaimed after 4 weeks of inactivity. Any logins from any user in a free tier cluster keep it active.